martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

VA - 2u: A For Ex-Lovers Only Compilation

01 - Worries - 2u
02 - White Lodge - Prom King
03 - HUSH! - Cruel
04 - Parks, Squares And Alleys - Youth
05 - a r t i f a c t s - Heal Me
06 - Human Tetris - Things I Don't Need
07 - Decades - Tonight Again
08 - The Death Of Pop - What A Day
09 - Post Modern Team - Never Let You Down
10 - Eastern Hollows - The Way That You've Gone
11 - Mode Moderne - Nightly Youths
12 - Dub Noir - The Careerist
13 - Big Wave - Dying On The Vine
14 - Glaciers - Heroes
15 - The Proctors - Trouble With Forever
16 - Pearl Lakes - Penance
17 - Bear State - Punk
18 - Hurricane Dean - Flat Random Noise
19 - Brothers In Law - (Shadow II) Leave Me
20 - Arbor Glades - It Can't Be
21 - YAST - Believes
22 - Swiss Alps - Seersucker
23 - Evil Eyes - Over My Shoulder
24 - Dog Bite - Disorder (Joy Division Cover)


1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

yesss, my friend yessssssssssss.
feliz desde un caluroso dia de invierno en bs as....